Boost your Lua Wireshark Dissector with LuaJIT

Writing a Wireshark Dissector using Lua might be the easier than using C but there is a performance penalty. Since I have only written dissectors in Lua, I cannot make comparisons. The only comparison I have found is in Graham Bloice’s Writing-a-Wireshark-Dissector presentation in SharkFest’13.

What I know though is that load time (Edit -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Layout -> Show file load time) is about 50 times slower when my Lua Dissectors are enabled.

I plan to rewrite them using the ASN.1 generator but until then, is there some way to boost my Lua dissectors without or with minimal changes?

Luckily there is a way, and it’s called LuaJIT. It is a Just-In-Time compiler for Lua which can give even a 110x boost depending on the algorithm. It also has big company sponsors which rely on it. The only downside is that it implements Lua 5.1.4 whereas Wireshark is also compatible with Lua 5.2. This means you will have to replace Lua 5.2 features from your dissector. In my case I only had to replace \x notation with \ddd in one of my dissectors.

Using it increased the performance of my dissectors by 1.7x. True this is not as impressive as the aforementioned 110x but still such an improvement with almost no code changes is still impressive. I also used it to analyze two years of traffic and compared the results with the ones generated by Lua 5.2 and found no differences.

How to integrate it with Wireshark

On Linux

First, we need to build and install LuaJIT:

curl -R -O${LUA_JIT_VERSION}.tar.gz
tar -xf LuaJIT-${LUA_JIT_VERSION}.tar.gz
make -j $(grep processor /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l)
sudo make install
cd ..

For more info have a look at the official POSIX installation guide.

Then we need to build tshark (to build the GUI):

curl -R -O${WIRESHARK_VERSION}.tar.xz
tar -xf wireshark-${WIRESHARK_VERSION}.tar.xz
cd wireshark-${WIRESHARK_VERSION}
# Add luajit first in the supported lua implementations
sed -i 's/\(lua5.2\)/luajit \1/' acinclude.m4
# See "Embedding LuaJIT" in
sed -i 's/lua_newstate([^;]*)/luaL_newstate()/' epan/wslua/init_wslua.c
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig ./configure --with-lua
make -j $(grep processor /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l)

For more info have a look at the Building on Unix section of the official Build Wireshark doc

On Windows

  1. Download the LuaJIT sources.
  2. Build LuaJIT following the official Windows guide.
  3. Download the Wireshark source.
  4. Use an editor to open the file cmake/modules/FindLUA.cmake in the Wireshark sources. Replace “NAMES lua${LUA_INC_SUFFIX} lua52 lua5.2 lua51 lua5.1 lua” with “NAMES lua51 lua${LUA_INC_SUFFIX} lua52 lua5.2 lua51 lua5.1 lua”. This is necessary to give priority to Lua 5.1 which is the Lua version implemented by LuaJIT.
  5. Use an editor to open the file epan/wslua/init_wslua.c in the Wireshark sources. Replace “lua_newstate(wslua_allocf, NULL);” with “luaL_newstate();”.
  6. Open a Visual Studio Command Prompt and set LUA_DIR=/path/to/LuaJIT/install/dir/from/step/2.
  7. Use the command prompt from the previous step to build Wireshark following the official Win32/64 guide.
  8. Copy lua51.dll from the /path/to/LuaJIT/install/dir/from/step/2 to the directory containing Wireshark.exe.

Now test it with your Lua Wireshark Dissectors. Hopefully, your dissector will show a bigger performance boost than the 1.7x of my dissectors.

Have fun and a Happy New Year!

2 thoughts on “Boost your Lua Wireshark Dissector with LuaJIT

  1. Hi Panos,

    Thanks for the initial benchmarks. After someone asked about LuaJIT support on IRC, I have tried to implement it in Wireshark. For my test case, the speed up was 30% (1.4x). I plan to do more profiling and testing in the future. This bug tracks LuaJIT support:

    Also, do not feel shy to submit any patches or open bug reports/feature requests 🙂


    1. Hello Peter,

      That’s great news! Out of the box support for LuaJIT will be awesome and support for Lua 5.1 will also be reassuring. On the other hand if moving to 5.3 will lead to clean/easier-to-maintain Wireshark code I cannot argue against it (I am no Lua expert and can barely follow the conversation you had with João Valverde). I wish you best of luck with the proposal.

      As you can tell I haven’t done any profiling myself, I simply compared run times with Lua 5.2 and LuaJIT. My dissectors are a bit complicated since they are dynamically created from CSV protocol specs. I would expect a straight-forward dissector to be faster (after JITting) but then again I was too lazy to find one and run some performance tests. Nevertheless a speed up of 30%, 50% or 60% (as in my dissectors) with minimal code changes is not too bad. Actually these are my favorite performance improvements 🙂

      Again thanks for the comment, many thanks for the interest in supporting LuaJIT and last but not least more thanks for contributing to Wireshark, an invaluable tool for many of us out there!!!

      Best regards,

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